In our office it’s all about you... feeling better
Treatment of headaches, injuries, repetitive strain and other pain and dysfunction syndromes through a unique combination of muscle therapy, chiropractic treatment, and sports/physical rehab, to get rid of the pain, and reduce the likelihood of the problem returning.
I was a Yoga and exercise instructor before I became a massage therapist, before I became a chiropractor. I've been a chiropractor since 1984. I use all of that experience in working with patients.
Combining in-office muscle therapy, and joint manipulation, with at-home stretches and exercises, specifically tailored for each patient, brings about faster pain relief, and greater overall recovery.
In over 35 years in practice I've found this combined approach to be the most effective for the fastest relief, and the greatest recovery.
I was a Yoga and exercise instructor before I became a massage therapist, before I became a chiropractor. I've been a chiropractor since 1984. I use all of that experience in working with patients.
Combining in-office muscle therapy, and joint manipulation, with at-home stretches and exercises, specifically tailored for each patient, brings about faster pain relief, and greater overall recovery.
In over 35 years in practice I've found this combined approach to be the most effective for the fastest relief, and the greatest recovery.

Dr. Pellington spends about 30 minutes with each patient.
Each treatment consists of
Each treatment consists of
- Direct Muscle Treatment
Releasing the “trigger points” within the involved muscles reduces the spasm and pain, and gently breaks up the scar tissue and adhesions. It improves circulation to the areas of injury which speeds healing, and increases the degree of recovery.
- Gentle, manual joint manipulation
of the spinal (or ankle, shoulder, hip, knee) joints, restoring free movement. - Specific, therapeutic stretches and exercises
Dr. Pellington will show you stretches and exercises that you can do at home to target the area of involvement, improve the strength, endurance and flexibility of the muscles, improve their function, and reduce the likelihood of the problem coming back.

It’s a lot more than just relief from pain.
It’s about being able to enjoy the things you love to do with more vitality and renewed mobility!
Life gets bigger the better you feel!
Think of your muscles like bungee cords attached to the bones.
You can’t ignore the muscles and expect (any) lasting results. They have to be treated.
With any long-standing problem, BOTH the muscles and the joints become involved, creating a complex that must be treated together.
You can’t ignore one major component and expect good or lasting results.
It’s about being able to enjoy the things you love to do with more vitality and renewed mobility!
Life gets bigger the better you feel!
Think of your muscles like bungee cords attached to the bones.
You can’t ignore the muscles and expect (any) lasting results. They have to be treated.
With any long-standing problem, BOTH the muscles and the joints become involved, creating a complex that must be treated together.
You can’t ignore one major component and expect good or lasting results.

- Treatment of Headaches, Injuries, Repetitive Strain and Other Pain and Dysfunction Syndromes.
alternate between Tylenol, Ibuprofen and Aleve because I
took so much of that stuff.”
- Rita Pikor, customer service representative, 15 years of daily headaches
- Combining Muscle Therapy and Chiropractic Chiropractic and Reconditioning for Relief from Pain and Decreased Disability.
- Hands-on Treatment to Get Rid of the Pain.
- At-Home Reconditioning to Keep it From Coming Back.
Bill Hooson, Retired Vice President, Atlanta YMCA – “I’ve been to chiropractors for 30 years and no one has ever done this work. No one has ever combined the muscle therapy with the adjustments and exercises the way you’ve worked with me.”
From our patients ...
“Used to be 3 hours on a motorcycle and 6 hours lying down….I lived with it every day for years. I look back now and wonder why?”
– Tony Pringle, mechanic: “I’ve been to chiropractors for 30 years and no one has ever done this work. No one has ever combined the muscle therapy with the adjustments and exercises the way you’ve worked with me.” – Bill Hooson, former Vice President for Financial Development, Atlanta YMCA Betty Brown, retired: More than a year of intense, daily, debilitating pain. Previous: X-rays, MRI’s, nerve studies, pain medication, muscle relaxors, epidural injections, trigger point injections, physical therapy… all with no relief. She was told she had a herniated disc. “It’s gotten to where I can’t even do my housework. I can’t walk for more than 5 or ten minutes without my leg going numb. "I can’t do anything. I’m just worn out! That’s just no way to live. My doctor gave me pain medication and that just made me feel drunk. I’d wake up from that and the pain was just as bad. It didn’t help at all. No one could help me. It got to where I didn’t want to leave the house. I would just cry, it hurt so bad and nobody was helping me. I was getting so depressed. I had 5 injections (cortisone and epidurals). They didn’t help either. I left there and didn’t feel any better. "You’re the 9th doctor I’ve been to for this. You’re the only one who has been able to help me. I wish I’d come in earlier.” “You’re the first one I had any confidence in.” – Mike Smith, construction project superintendent D.F., Covington – Severe upper back pain following cervical spinal surgery. Previous Trigger Point injections and 3 months of Physical Therapy with “no relief.” Radio-oblation (to kill the nerves) “didn’t help at all.” “I only get 4 hours of sleep. I’m depressed. I usually spend every day at lunch laying in my car resting. This (pain) is worse than the neck pain.” After two treatments in my office, “it’s a miracle to me. I haven’t taken a Soma all weekend. I was taking 3-4 a day.” Dear Dr Pellington, Just to let you know I was fine on the flights to British Columbia and my back is almost completely pain and stiffness free. I can't begin to thank you enough for your kindness in seeing me when I was in such a desperate state. Your healing hands gave healing relief to stressed muscles and your empathy and compassion gave balm to the soul. I hope you will use my message as a testimonial. The world needs to know about people like you!!! It was a joy and a privilege to meet you. - Patsy Barrow Audrey Cann, business owner. Fifteen years of lower back pain every day. The pain would wake her during the night, it would be there as soon as she got out of bed. She couldn’t stand more than 30 minutes without severe pain. “It hurt all the time.” And every couple of months she would turn wrong and “I’d go to my knees.” After the fourth treatment she went to a wedding. There was a lot of standing. “I couldn’t have done it a week ago.” She even danced!!! She’s in the rehab phase and she’s getting so much stronger. She’s doing great! Her back occasionally gets “a little sore.” There’s more work to do. Now it shifts to her, to do the specific exercises at home to FIX the problem, and hopefully, keep it from coming back. When the time is taken to do what needs to be done, the body generally responds ~ even after fifteen years. Janet W. – Was advised that she needed spinal surgery for her severe sciatic/leg pain. She’d been given cortisone injections & Trigger Point injections that “didn’t help at all.” “When I first came to you I didn’t tell you but I was terrified thinking that I would need back surgery, having been in such excruciating pain for so many months and only getting worse in spite of seeing Dr. for 3 months. It’s only been a few weeks but I am so much better (as you know). It’s so nice to be able to sleep through the night with no pain. I’ve been doing the exercises you showed me and my back is feeling stronger too. I am thrilled and so grateful!” With muscle work, spinal adjustments and rehab is now pain-free, with no disability. L. Earl Smith, real estate appraiser. Six months of shoulder pain. The pain would wake him during the night. It interfered with his sleep, his work, just about everything he did. “It feels like someone has a hammer, pounding on the inside of my shoulder.” An orthopedist had given him a cortisone injection with “no improvement.” Then he sent him for an MRI, & told him that he needed surgery to remove a bone spur that was pressing on his rotator cuff. After the first treatment, “I’m amazed that it’s that much better that quick.” Now… he’s PAIN FREE with no disability. P.S. There is a bone spur, but that’s NOT what was causing his pain. Do all patients respond as well? Unfortunately, no. I wish they did. Sometimes the condition has been left untreated for too long. There’s just too much damage. Combining body-work and physical rehab does give people the best chance of recovery. If the muscles are involved, you can’t ignore them and expect (any) lasting results. They have to be treated. If the joints are involved, you can’t ignore them and expect (any) lasting results. They have to be treated. With any long-standing problem, BOTH the muscles and the joints become involved, creating a complex that must be treated together. You can’t ignore one major component and expect (any) good or lasting results. And if because of the long-standing nature of the problem, the muscles have become weak, you can’t ignore that and expect (any) good or lasting results. They HAVE to be strengthened. |