Nutritional Detox, Weight Loss and
Dr. Pellington says: "Opinion has no place in health care. None of the recommendations I give are arbitrary. They’re all based on current nutritional research.You benefit from learning what I have learned for my own use. I want the best… for me! I want the best for you. I don’t want you tied to any products. I don’t want you tied to me. I see my job as teaching people to ride a bicycle. Think of something you’re really good at. You decided that skill had value. And now, it’s second nature." "There is no other single thing that will have a more profound effect on your future health than understanding the physiology of food. We eat three times a day anyway. It’s wise to know what those foods are doing after we swallow.
"I realize no one will ever care about my health as much as I do, and I don’t want to guess about my health. People aren’t doing well guessing. I didn’t want to guess. I wanted to know. I wanted to know “what is optimum?” So I did (and continue to do) the research. This is the way I’ve been eating (95% of the time) since the research started coming out in the early 90’s. There have been refinements over the past 20 years, but mostly it’s confirmation, confirmation, confirmation. Sadly, we weren’t taught in school how our bodies work, and the “herd” is not doing well at all. I’ve put all of the puzzle pieces together for me, and… if we lock arm and arm, you save 30 years of research. It’s like getting a Masters degree in nutrition! The nuts and bolts., the practical, real life parts. Yes, there’s a learning curve but it’s not that steep and I am here to help. The food choices are the narrowest for the first 30 days. It’s not to see what you can do without. This is not an arbitrary exercise. We’re going for results. I want you to feel better than you’ve felt in a long time. You will. And… I want you to know why you’re feeling better. Just 30 days. Then you start reintroducing other foods and you see how your body reacts to those foods. It puts you in control. Full confidence and certainty. It works in real life, for real people. Real food. Easy to do. I don’t deny myself anything. Think of something that you’re really good at. You can do this. Sincerely, Dr. David Pellington |